Knowledge management

Experienced workers hold a lot of tribal knowledge

What Is Tribal Knowledge

Tribal knowledge is information or knowledge that is known within a tribe but often unknown outside of it. A tribe, in this sense, maybe a group or subgroup of people that share such common knowledge. From a corporate perspective, tribal knowledge or know-how is the collective wisdom of the organization. It is the sum of all the knowledge and capabilities of all

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Worker using a forklift in a warehouse

Work Instructions For Warehouses

Warehouse work is, statistically speaking, risky. Working with heavy objects, machinery, or forklifts increases the probability of incidents. There are two primary reasons for the failure of work instructions in warehouses. First, the communication between the writer of the instructions and the workers is poor and insufficiently tested. Second, procedures are written in a way

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Worker going through on-the-job training with a water jet cutter

On-the-job training for modern manufacturing companies

Manufacturing executives have been losing sleep over the worker shortage for a few years. Why aren’t there enough workers?  The most common response to this question from companies and advocacy groups is that there is a fundamental skills gap.  Workers just don’t have the skillset it takes to operate in today’s high technology manufacturing workplace.

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Tools for preventive maintenance

Work Instructions For Preventive Maintenance

A large part of keeping a company running efficiently and profitably is ensuring that all equipment is functioning optimally. Routine preventive maintenance needs to be conducted. Unfortunately, regular equipment checks often go overlooked in certain areas of a company’s operations mainly because attention is usually directed toward more pressing issues. However, when small tasks go

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Air plane safety instructions

Standard Work Instructions And Standard Operation Procedures

Take a walk through any manufacturing shop floor and you’ll notice carefully crafted documents that help workers achieve their daily goals. Standard operating procedures and standard work instructions are key to success in manufacturing. They can be improved upon through document reviews, audits, a disciplined problem-solving process and, most importantly, the input from the experts

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expert workers are knowledge holders

Managing the departure of key knowledge holders

For more than two centuries, the manufacturing industry has adopted new technologies and provided new jobs for workers. Today, the industry is experiencing exciting and exponential change, as technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, and Internet of Things (IoT) are rapidly changing the workplace. While some predicted that these new technologies would eliminate jobs,

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