A venture as massive as digital transformation is never going to be an easy path. And there are high chances you will encounter numerous failures too. But you have a choice, to either fall prey to the fears that can lead to succumbing to the intense competition in the market or to wholeheartedly embrace these challenges and collectively look for solutions that can get you on a path to success. To make this pat a bit easier we listed here what are the most common digital transformation mistakes to avoid.

Misreading the impact of digital transformation
Assessing industry and company impact of digital transformation is a critical step that can influence the level of a company’s commitment to the process. Failing to examine how digital forces will change the basis of industry means companies end up misunderstanding their value proposition, an error that will let competitors encroach. Once companies do wake up, often times they don’t know how to program digital transformation into the organization, and that’s because they don’t know why they exist. What to do instead? Approach digital transformation from the standpoint of re-invention, an angle that for some — including the oil and gas industry and its clean energy vertical — might be long-term.
Adopting technology for the sake of technology
Many companies out there simply don’t know what to do and where to start when it comes to digital transformation. Some companies adopt new tech because it’s trendy. Some follow the digital transformation paths of their competitors, thinking: “If it worked for them, it’ll definitely do us good.” In most cases, however, blindly chasing trends or someone else’s dreams won’t get you far. Technologies that worked for some might not work for others. That one of the most common digital transformation mistakes.
We have to understand that companies that succeeded in digital transformation followed their own specific goals and carefully prepared for that digital journey. They estimated their own resources and timelines, assessed their own strengths and weaknesses, and found their own starting point. The road that led them to their great destination might not get you anywhere even close to that.
Considering digital transformation a one-time thing
Digital transformation isn’t something you can do easily and in one day (or even a year). In fact, it’s a continuous pursuit that involves evolving your organization through frequently changing digital technology, transforming your processes, products, and services to meet the new market needs, and adapting your business to the challenges of tomorrow.
Of course, the “everything now” approach won’t work, and trying to adopt too much too soon will only lead to confusion among both your employees and customers. Therefore, the transformation process should never be taken as a one-time thing but rather a sustained improvement in every aspect of your business.
Setting up unrealistic goals and expectations
Before starting your digital transformation journey, it’s imperative to have a plan, just like all things life. Once you decide your goal, don’t be overly optimistic and set unrealistic timelines to meet these goals. Transitioning to a digital business model is an ongoing process that will take its time in aligning with your strategy. Understand that gaps won’t be filled overnight.
You need to take baby steps. Define milestones and set interim goals to check the impact of the transformation over time. The effect of digital transformation will always take months, and sometimes even years to appear. So instead of expecting too much within the go, have patience and set realistic expectations to reap long-term benefits.
Not removing internal resistance
Digital transformation means breaking down traditional silos and reorganizing business towards a digital culture. But that won’t happen overnight, and the organization will resist your efforts to change. The leadership team should be responsible for instilling a culture that accepts change. They should make clear why changes are required. Besides, there should be a clear picture of the target culture, which is on par with the business goals and objectives.
Conclusion on most common digital transformation mistakes
Digital transformation is no longer a thing of the future. Fuelled by the ever-growing world of technology and the changing customer expectations, this inevitable evolutionary process has become the norm for organizations worldwide. In addition to the considerable increase in operational efficiency, reduced product development costs, and improved quality of products and services, digital transformation enables organizations to effectively prepare for the numerous current and future challenges the world throws at us. And while digital transformation has indeed become a competitive necessity, doing it right is what’s truly essential if you want your business to not just survive but prosper.