What are quality checklists and how to use them?

A quality checklist is a checklist that gives information with regard to quality assurance activities. Information found on a quality assurance checklist are guides for identifying and planning quality assurance activities. Quality control inspection checklists serve two main purposes – 1. they outline quality standards and product requirements the company is expected to meet and […]

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Example of a microfactory

Microfactories – the latest trend in manufacturing

A lot is happening in the automotive industries. Many manufactures are pivoting towards electric cars while trying to establish new supply chains that would be more resilient in today’s changing environment. But there’s another thing happening – we are seeing the emergence of microfactories. One of the most well known examples is the electric vehicle

Microfactories – the latest trend in manufacturing Read More

Digital work instructions for manufacturing

Digital manufacturing work instructions collect information from multiple sources and provide it in one simple, unified view so your operators can quickly make decisions. Traditional paperwork instructions aren’t great. Lengthy, awkward, and hard to produce, a paper instruction manual frequently causes more problems than it solves. The majority of paper instructions fail to provide a satisfactory

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A man writing standard operating procedure on laptop

Who writes standard operating procedures (SOPs)?

A standard operating procedure (SOP) is a set of step-by-step instructions compiled by an organization to help workers carry out routine operations. SOPs aim to achieve efficiency, quality output, and uniformity of performance while reducing miscommunication and failure to comply with industry regulations. But who will be the one to write standard operating procedures? Who

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Man in an old factory with no digital tools

Digital tools for effective communication and knowledge transfer

Gone are the days when the workplace was merely a physical space employees occupied during regular office hours. Today’s always-connected, instant-access environment has blurred the lines between the physical office and the place where work happens. As the distinction between professional and personal life dissolves, and the workplace becomes truly digital, employees are communicating and

Digital tools for effective communication and knowledge transfer Read More