Experienced workers hold a lot of tribal knowledge

What Is Tribal Knowledge

Tribal knowledge is information or knowledge that is known within a tribe but often unknown outside of it. A tribe, in this sense, maybe a group or subgroup of people that share such common knowledge. From a corporate perspective, tribal knowledge or know-how is the collective wisdom of the organization. It is the sum of all the knowledge and capabilities of all […]

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Millennial talking on the phone

Onboarding Millennials

If your company wishes to welcome Millennials in your workforce, you must consider two very important things: they have extremely high expectations and they are impatient. Although Millennials can easily adapt to changes and deal with pressure, they are very selective and aware of their options. This means that your traditional employee training will no

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Worker using a forklift in a warehouse

Work Instructions For Warehouses

Warehouse work is, statistically speaking, risky. Working with heavy objects, machinery, or forklifts increases the probability of incidents. There are two primary reasons for the failure of work instructions in warehouses. First, the communication between the writer of the instructions and the workers is poor and insufficiently tested. Second, procedures are written in a way

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Standard Work Instructions (SWI) And Lean Manufacturing

Standard or standardized work instructions (SWI) are instructions, specifically designed to ensure the consistency, timing, and repetition of the processes. You’ll recognize them as printed papers, put on tables or boards next to the operator’s work stations. Standard work instructions are subject to lean manufacturing’s approach of continuous improvement, also called Kaizen. It refers to

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ISO compliance is issued by ISO organization

What Are ISO Compliant Work Instructions And How To Write Them?

With the growing popularity of ISO standards, it’s only right to talk a bit more about them. In this blog post, we will define what ISO compliance means, how it shows in writing documentation and what that means for writing work instructions. To start, let’s first define what ISO is. Headquartered in Switzerland, the International

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