Writing good work instructions

Tips On How To Write Good Work Instructions

The importance of work instructions shows in guiding employees in the quality areas of training, reference, problem-solving and continuous improvement. However, work instructions are not just another »thing your company needs«. The content should be carefully generated, following specific guidelines on how to write work instructions. Writing clear and concise work instructions is crucial in […]

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Two engineers discussing how to improve changeover time

How To Reduce Changeover Times In Your Manufacturing Process

Every manufacturing process has periods where equipment is unavailable due to tooling changes, material changes, part changes, program changes, or any other changes to production that must be performed while the machine is stopped. Collectively, these events are referred to as “changeover times,” or alternately as “setup,” “make ready,” or “planned downtime”. Strictly speaking, this

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Worker going through on-the-job training with a water jet cutter

On-the-job training for modern manufacturing companies

Manufacturing executives have been losing sleep over the worker shortage for a few years. Why aren’t there enough workers?  The most common response to this question from companies and advocacy groups is that there is a fundamental skills gap.  Workers just don’t have the skillset it takes to operate in today’s high technology manufacturing workplace.

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Combining Video And CAD Models For Optimal Work Instructions

Studies show that reading blocks of text are one of the least effective methods of transferring knowledge – especially when it involves co-workers with little education. With this in mind, it is less than ideal that most quality systems are based on written work instructions. Video-based and CAD-based work instructions offer multitudes of advantages over text-based paper

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Worker creating a checklist for work instruction

Why Write Work Instructions And Why Are They Important

Customer-specific products are booming, wich means that batch sizes are getting smaller and smaller. As a result, the variation and combination of different tasks to be performed at a workplace and by an employee are also increasing sharply. An employee has to master an almost infinite number of processes. In order not to be overtaxed

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Tools for preventive maintenance

Work Instructions For Preventive Maintenance

A large part of keeping a company running efficiently and profitably is ensuring that all equipment is functioning optimally. Routine preventive maintenance needs to be conducted. Unfortunately, regular equipment checks often go overlooked in certain areas of a company’s operations mainly because attention is usually directed toward more pressing issues. However, when small tasks go

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Camera components that need work instructions for assembly

The Importance Of Work Instructions For Assembly

At today’s production sites, linguistic and cultural barriers can make work instructions difficult to understand.  Work instructions (WI) that rely on text, pictures and verbal information may not accurately convey the original intent to audiences with different backgrounds and experiences.  As a result, production errors and rework can increase the cost production. It’s very important to deliver

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Air plane safety instructions

Standard Work Instructions And Standard Operation Procedures

Take a walk through any manufacturing shop floor and you’ll notice carefully crafted documents that help workers achieve their daily goals. Standard operating procedures and standard work instructions are key to success in manufacturing. They can be improved upon through document reviews, audits, a disciplined problem-solving process and, most importantly, the input from the experts

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