expert workers are knowledge holders

Managing the departure of key knowledge holders

For more than two centuries, the manufacturing industry has adopted new technologies and provided new jobs for workers. Today, the industry is experiencing exciting and exponential change, as technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, and Internet of Things (IoT) are rapidly changing the workplace. While some predicted that these new technologies would eliminate jobs, […]

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manufacturing worker behind a cutting machine

Re-skilling manufacturing workers

Just a few decades ago, technological skills were limited to information technology departments. In today’s tech-saturated world, however, these skills are necessary for virtually all employees. To fill internal skill gaps and ensure employees are up to speed on ever-changing technical knowledge, forward-thinking CEOs look toward continuous re-skilling and training programs. According to World Economic

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Education 4.0

It’s possible we have an education system that is trying to force humans to compete with machines. Consider mathematics. The math genius and a computer can calculate the same amount of data. The result can be the same, but I am pretty sure that the machine would be faster. Another example is chess. The best

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How to use augmented reality for training?

In 5 to 10 years two-thirds of the manufacturing workforce will be over the age of 55 and approaching retirement. While this could create a shortage of skilled workers in a number of fields including electric utilities, telecommunications, and manufacturing, augmented reality (AR) is poised not only to address issues faced by our aging workforce

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Asset Management & Manuals 4.0

Industrial manufacturers are one of the top adopters of Augmented Reality and immersive media in general. From asset design to instruction manuals, asset-intensive industries are implementing augmented reality experiences to provide immersive experiences for employees and customers. Going from Text-based Instructions to Manuals 4.0 A user guide or user’s guide, also commonly known as a

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How to transfer knowledge to the next generation of workers

The knowledge gap created in the wake of Baby Boomers exiting the workplace can be vast. Companies that don’t plan for generational management shifts risk falling behind and losing out to their competitors. Now more than ever, it’s essential to have a succession plan, a process for identifying and developing new leaders who can replace

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